Report a Disclosure

Additional Info
Data Protection & Privacy Notice

The data privacy regulations require that a person making a report containing personal data be notified of certain collection and retention practices regarding the information submitted and must accept the terms and conditions for the use of this service.

You are being asked to read and accept the terms outlined below. If you do not accept the terms below we are unable to accept any information through this system.

  1. What personal data and information is collected and processed?
    This service captures the following personal data and information that you provide when you make a report:
    1. your name and contact details (unless you report fully anonymous) and whether you are employed by the organization;
    2. the name and other personal data of the persons you name in your report if you provide such information (i.e.: description of functions and contact details);
    3. a description of the alleged misconduct as well as a description of the circumstances of the incident.
    Note that the laws of some countries do not permit reports to be made anonymously; however your personal information will be treated confidentially and will only be disclosed as set out below.
  2. How will the personal data and information be processed after your report and who may access personal data and information?
    Your personal data and information will be stored in a database on servers operated by Integrity Indonesia. Integrity Indonesia is committed to maintaining stringent privacy and security practices including those related to notice choice onward transfer security data integrity access and enforcement.
  3. Accessing information concerning the report
    Your organisation should promptly notify any person who is the subject of a report to this service except where notice needs to be delayed to ensure the integrity of the investigation and preservation of relevant information.
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This password will be used together with the Disclosure ID provided later to login to follow up on disclosure report.
Must contain at least 8 or more characters, one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character
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